Nikkil Sudharsanan
This is a select list of publications.
Please see my CV for a complete list of publications
Cardiovascular disease prevention in middle-income countries
Nicole Mauer, Pascal Geldsetzer, Jennifer Manne-Goehler, Justine I. Davies, Andrew C. Stokes, Margaret McConnell, Mohammed K. Ali, Volker Winkler, Nikkil Sudharsanan
Science Translational Medicine
Main question: How do adults with hypertension in middle-income countries move through care stages over time?
Access the full paper here.
Alpha Oumar Diallo, Mohammed K. Ali, Pascal Geldsetzer, Emily W. Gower, Trasias Mukama, Ryan G. Wagner, Justine Davies, Maarten J. Bijlsma, Nikkil Sudharsanan
The Lancet Healthy Longevity
Main question: Which systolic blood pressure target should be used for hypertension care in South Africa?
Carolin Kroeger, Shuba Kumar, Rani Mohanraj, Sripriya Kundem, Kate Bärnighausen, Nikkil Sudharsanan
Social Science & Medicine
Main question: Given how widespread non-communicable diseases have become in urban India, why isn't there more individual and community mobilization to try and get governments to take action against NCDs?
The effect of home-based hypertension screening on blood pressure change over time in South Africa
Nikkil Sudharsanan*, Simiao Chen*, Michael Garber, Till Bärnighausen, Pascal Geldsetzer (*Joint first authors)
Health Affairs
Main question: What is the effect of home-based hypertension screening (e.g. going to people's homes, measuring their blood pressure, and informing and referring those with high blood pressure to a doctor) on blood pressure over time?
Simiao Chen*, Nikkil Sudharsanan*, Feng Huang, Yuanli Liu, Pascal Geldsetzer, Till Bärnighausen (*Joint first authors)
Main question: What is the effect of home-based hypertension screening (e.g. going to people's homes, measuring their blood pressure, and informing and referring those with high blood pressure to a doctor) on blood pressure over time?
Nikkil Sudharsanan, Mohammed K. Ali, Margaret McConnell
BMJ Open
Main question: What proportion of adults with diagnosed hypertension consistently take their medicines and what are some of the reasons why individuals may discontinue treatment?
Nikkil Sudharsanan, co-authors, Pascal Geldsetzer (click the paper for full author list).
Main question: Does it matter which hypertension care guideline is used to scale up hypertension care throughout countries and if so, which population groups are disproportionately targeted by some guidelines but not others?
Nikkil Sudharsanan, Caterina Favaretti, Violetta Hachaturyan, Till Bärnighausen, Alain Vandormael
Forthcoming in eLife
Main question: Does the way that COVID-19 vaccine side effects are framed and presented to individuals affect their perceptions of how safe the vaccine is and their willingness to be vaccinated?
Anna Reuter, Šime Smolić, Till Bärnighausen, Nikkil Sudharsanan
Preprint currently under review
Main question: Can we use basic patient information to predict with patients are most likely to miss essential care due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Our aim is to develop models that can be used in real-world settings by health administrators and health insurance providers to prioritize limited resources towards those patients at the highest risk of missing care.
The Contribution of the Age Distribution of Cases to COVID-19 Case Fatality Across Countries: A 9-Country Demographic Study
Nikkil Sudharsanan, Oliver Didzun, Till Bärnighausen, Pascal Geldsetzer
Annals of Internal Medicine
Main question: How much of the large variation in COVID-19 case-fatality rates across countries is due to differences in how old their populations are?
Sex differences in the mortality rate for coronavirus disease 2019 compared to other causes of death
Pascal Geldsetzer, Trasias Mukama, Nadine Jawad, Tim Riffe, Angela Rogers, Nikkil Sudharsanan
Forthcoming in European Journal of Epidemiology
Main question: Does the higher COVID-19 death rate among men compared to women just reflect men's general health disadvantage or is the COVID-19 sex difference uniquely large?
Improving the effectiveness of health insurance in India
Sebastian Bauhoff and Nikkil Sudharsanan
Center for Global Development Working Paper
Commentary piece on our Insurance Cascade in Economic & Political Weekly
Main idea: We outline a "cascade" framework for figuring out why generous health insurance programs don't actually lead to lower health costs for eligible individuals and propose ways to improve insurance effectiveness and collect better data.
More to come in this area!